Fun Games for the Whole Family!
We know it can be hard to get the whole family together and having fun with busy schedules and endless chores. One thing that is sure to bring the family together for a little friendly competition is a family game night. These games are perfect for you and you little ones to have a fun-filled night of competing, laughing and learning at The Learning Lab!
Galt Giant Snakes and Ladders Puzzle
A classic game night staple with a twist! Snakes and Ladders is the perfect game to get the whole family gathered together for some light-hearted competition. This 32-piece floor puzzle and game will means double the fun. First make the puzzle, then get playing!
Suitable for children aged 3-6 years.
Beat the Clock – Battle Mode
This game will really bring out your competitive side, complete activities against the clock and become the ultimate champion! With 33 different activities to complete, this game will keep you entertained and on your toes! It’s a great way to get your kids thinking, moving and learning about the concept of time.
Suitable for children aged 5+.
Discover the World Game
Travel all-round the world with this super fun family game. Be the first player to travel to all your destinations and receive the most Destination Cards. Learn about all the places around this world, this game is a great way to promote geography to your children in a fun and educational way!
Suitable for children aged 7+
Rory’s Story Cubes
A game to get you thinking, simply roll the dice and get the story going! With this game, you and the kids can travel to space and meet aliens or have an intergalactic battle. The story is a complete roll of the dice. This game is really going to get the whole family laughing and will really get your kids thinking creatively!
Suitable for children aged 6+.
ReCycleMe Large: Games
If you are looking for something more arts and craft based, this game is an excellent option. Reduce, reuse and recycle you household items with this clever game. Its packed with accessories to help you turn unwanted items into fun games. Not only is it super fun but is also education and environmentally friendly!
Suitable for children aged 4+
Roolygo Party Game by Djeco
Get the kids up and moving around, this game is the perfect addition to your family game night! Simply spin the arrow and complete one of the many different challenges. It could be mimes, it could be a sports challenge or it could even be a super crazy dare! This game is great for all the family!
Suitable for children aged 5-8 years.
Add any of these games into your family game night for some learning, some competition and a lot of laughing!