Shake, rattle & build! Amaze your little one with the newest My First set from Smart Max. They have developed 4 new bars with each featuring a different structure to stimulate the sense of touch. Shake the bars and make some music!
This set is one of a number of Smart max products available on our website.
See below for information on how SmartMax works.
Magnets have a magnetic north and south pole. The cold colors (green, blue, purple and white) have their north poles directed outwards. The warm colors (red, orange, yellow and pink) have their south poles directed outwards.

Unlike poles attract, like poles repel. All bars with a cold color can be connected to all bars with a warm color. All other combinations repel.

SmartMax balls are attracted by all bars, regardless of their color. More than 20 bars can be connected to one ball.

The magnets of the long bars are stronger than those of the short bars. Long bars can lift more weight or make stronger connections.