Art and Craft Tips for Kids!

Now that we have finally entered the summer months and summer holidays have officially begun, the days are completely yours to be filled doing all of your favourite things. However, we all know that when it comes to summer holidays, doing all the things you have wanted to do all year can get boring and quick. Any parent will understand us when we say the choruses of “I’m bored!” are about to begin. Not to worry, The Learning Lab is to the rescue! We love talking about all things toys and on our blog you can find great ideas for summer activities. We even have some art and craft activities for you and the kids to try! 

If this summer is your first taking the leap into the world of art and craft, we have got you covered here at The Learning Lab. Check out some of our best art and craft tips and tricks to help any of you crafting beginners!

1. Try Something New

Before now, your only experience with arts and crafts is probably through what you have done in school and that is perfectly fine! You can start an arts and crafts project no matter your age or your experience. Now that you are giving it a go, you have a fantastic opportunity to try something new! Work with a new material, try new colours, find some new inspiration. Have fun with your new venture and create something new and unique in the process! 

2. Make a 3D Craft

While we all love to pull out the paints and colouring pencils when we start a new craft, why not try a 3D craft this time? 3D crafts are a great way to try something new and challenge yourself with a new style of art, not to mention they are incredibly fun! You can even add some 3D elements to your paintings and drawings. Our foam shapes are a fantastic way to spice up any 2D landscape and make it into a 3D masterpiece! 

Shop our Foam Shapes here

3. Try a Crafting Kit

Crafting kits are a fantastic way to begin crafting with the help of some simple instructions. If you are just beginning your art and craft journey or you don’t have a lot of materials, craft kits are a great option and can be super fun. You can shop a range of crafting kits here at The Learning Lab. We especially love the Coco Mosaics by Djeco, it’s a great kit for anyone looking for a guided art project and trying a new material.

Shop Coco Mosaics by Djeco here

4. Use What You Already Have 

It can be a bit overwhelming when you are staring at a section of single craft materials. You are probably wondering how to go from some pipe cleaners to a beautiful garden scene. Well, why not use what you have at home? Our ReCycleMe kits are really great for recycling some items you have in your home and turning them into beautiful art! 

Shop ReCycleMe here

5. Be Creative, Think Outside the Box and Have Lots of Fun! 

Art and craft is all about creativity, uniqueness and enjoyment, so have some fun and create some art!

You can find any arts and crafts materials that you might need for your next big project at The Learning Lab

Check out our previous blog posts for some inspiration! 

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