How to make…Blue Birds

Blue Birds, as made in Mullingar with Elle and Lorraine, Saturday 7th March 2020

You Will Need:
White card
Gems/decorations etc.
Markers/colours and Paints
Glue and Scissors

How to:
1.Using white card draw a template as seen below.
2. Cut out template and make a slit in the middle of the body template as shown by the line.

3. Make the wings out of half a piece of card by folding it like a fan.

4. Thread the fan through the slit on the birds body, You now have your bird!
5. Paint and decorate the body and wings of the bird whatever way you like – You can make a blue bird, a yellow bird or even a rainbow bird!
6. Add a beak at the front and feathers at the back of the bird as a tail and your bird is ready to fly off and explore!


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