How to Make..Ladybug Landscapes

As made in Mullingar, Saturday 8th Feb 2020 with Lorraine and Elle.

You Will Need:
Coloured card
White card
Googly eyes
Gems/decorations etc.
Markers/colours and Paints

How to:
1. Draw and cut a leaf shape out of a white piece of card.
2. Paint/colour the leaf and glu it to the centre of your coloured sheet of card.
3. Draw and cut a template, similar to the one below, this will be the base of your lady bugs!

4. Colour the circles on both sides with different patterns and shapes with markers/colouring pencils (Avoid paint).
5. Fold both circles in half and put glue on one half of each circle.
6. Glue both circles to the top of your leaf so that both edges are toughing (Creates the body).
7. Decorate the other shape (Acts as the head). Add googly eyes and stick to the top of the ladybugs body.
8. Let dry and add final touches, like antennae!
9. Finally decorate your ladybug scene!!

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