Halloween night scene as made in Mullingar with Elle, Saturday 26th October 2019
You Will Need:
A sheet of Black A4 card
Outlines of bats (one big and one small)
Halloween decorations (stickers , gems etc.)
“Happy Halloween” label (we took from google, but you could write out your own)
Googly eyes
Markers/colours and Paints
Glue and Scissors
How to:
1.Take your black piece of card and add paint all over it in the pattern and colours that you would like your sky to be.
2. Cut out the bat templates, paint and decorate and allow to dry.
3. Glue the bats to your black piece of card using PVA glue.
4. Add decorations to complete your sky!
5. Using markers or crayons (not paint as the paper may get soggy), colour in the “Happy Halloween sign and glue in the bottom right hand corner or the page.
6. Allow to dry and your spooky Halloween scene is complete