How to make…An Alien invasion Mobile

As made in Mullingar by Grace in January 2019

What you will need

Three large paper plates
Alien picture (found on Google images)
Stars and Planets Outlines (found on Google images)
Elastic String (or any thin string will do)
Gems/decorations etc.
Markers/colours and Paint
Glue and Scissors and Stapler



1. Take two paper plates and puncture a hole in the centre of each, put a string through the two of them, stapling them together by the edges of the two plates, so that they face eachother and making a 3D-looking top for your mobile. Be sure to leave the two ends of the string coming out from each side, and possibly tie them loosely together while decorating so that they don’t come out of the holes.

2. Take the third paper plate and fold it in half, and cut around the centre part of the plate, but only go halfway. Then open back up the plate, and just fold back over the outer ring, creating a UFO shape with the center panel of the plate being the dome for your alien to go into

3. Use a hole-punch to punch a hole in the top of your UFO plate

4. Cut out your alien and stars and planets

5. Paint/colour and decorate the top of your mobile, the UFO, and the alien, stars and planets

6. Stick your alien into your decorated UFO and stick all of your planets and stars to the top part of the mobile

7. Then assemble your mobile by taking the bottom end of the string that is going through the top part of the mobile, and tie that string through the hole in the UFO.

8. Your mobile is then ready to be stuck to the roof by the top string

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