Spaceship 16 Piece Puzzle by Djeco


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Djeco Spaceship Silhouette Puzzle: Get ready for an adventure in space with this 16 piece puzzle by Djeco.

Comes packaged in a beautiful silhouette box making it the perfect gift.

Completed puzzle measures 25 x 25cm

Designed by Bob Kolar

You can find similar products in our puzzles section

10 reasons why jigsaw puzzles & this Djeco Spaceship Silhouette Puzzle are beneficial for children

  1. Fine motor development

Jigsaw puzzles help to develop and refine a child’s fine motor skills.  In order to play with a jigsaw puzzle, children need to pick up, pinch and hold pieces, move them around and manipulate them into the correct slots.

  1. Hand and eye coordination

Playing with jigsaws requires trial and error. If a piece doesn’t fit, a child must put it down and try another one. This is all fantastic practice for developing a child’s hand and eye coordination

  1. Problem solving and logical reasoning

Completing a jigsaw puzzle successfully can’t be cheated so your child needs to use critical thinking, reasoning skills and problem solving – all skills which are valuable in later life.

  1.   Spatial awareness

Clinical trials have proved that by working out how smaller pieces fit into the bigger picture children develop their skills of movement, depth and distance perception – known to neurologists as visuo-spatial functioning.

  1.   Cognitive skills

Jigsaw puzzles come in a wide array of topics. Jigsaws are a great way of arousing children’s interest in a subject but also committing information to memory – known as subliminal learning or learning through play.

  1. Improved memory and attention span

Jigsaw puzzles are especially good at reinforcing existing connections between our brain cells and therefore improving short-term memory. One study reveals that playing jigsaw puzzles can reduce our chances of developing certain types of mental illness, memory loss and dementia later in life. It also helps children to improve their ability to focus for long hours, learning perseverance and patience along the way.

  1. Self esteem

“I did it!” Completing a jigsaw puzzle gives children a great sense of satisfaction and pride in themselves. It’s a great boost to self-confidence and self-esteem, which will give them confidence to take on other bigger challenges whilst keeping a positive growth mind-set.

  1. Teamwork

By working together as a family or collaborating with a friend over a jigsaw puzzle, a child is practicing valuable life skills, such as communication, sharing, turn taking, allocating tasks in order to succeed, and lending support to their team members.

  1. Meditative benefits

As children concentrate on a jigsaw puzzle their minds are completely focused. Whilst tasked with searching for colours and shapes, they’re allowing their brains to let go of any stresses and anxieties, creating calm and well-being.

  1.   Last, but not least – It’s FUN!

Children of all ages love jigsaw puzzles. As do adults. Don’t just reserve jigsaw puzzles for rainy days, enjoy them together at any time and reap the benefits. A puzzle keeps the whole family entertained for hours on end.

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